Weaving is defined as the crossing of two or more traffic streams traveling in the same general direction along a significant length of the roadway without the aid of traffic control devices. Weaving segments are formed when a merge area is closely followed by a diverge area, or when a one-lane on-ramp is closely followed by a one-lane off-ramp and the two are joined by an auxiliary lane. Highway Capacity Manual 2010 proposed a methodology to estimate the level of service at weaving segments. This methodology is adopted for the present study and applied to two weaving segments in Izmir, Turkey. The purpose of this study is to identify the level of service at weaving segments.
This study proposes a bi-level optimization model for the transit frequency setting problem. A relatively new meta-heuristic algorithm, firefly algorithm is employed in upper-level to determine optimal headways for a given route structure to minimize operator cost. The approach adopted to achieve the objective is to ensure efficient use of vehicles by obtaining maximum occupancy rate. Frequency-based transit assignment is done using PTV VISUM software package in lower-level in order to determine flows resulting from headway set generated in upper-level. Tests are performed on Mandl’s network and transit network of Karaman, Turkey to evaluate the performance and applicability of the proposed model, obtained results are presented, and some conclusions are drawn.
Transportation planning is an important factor in terms of urban development. An effective transport system is a major component of social and economic development in urban areas. Public transport accessibility in cities is also an important point in this sense. Public Transport Accessibility Level (PTAL) is a method that measures the accessibility of public transport in a regional and urban area. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of accessibility of public transport systems on different routes. This impact was investigated by the PTAL method. The accessibility of the tramway line within the province of Karsiyaka district of Izmir City was investigated along with the proposed route. Firstly, the existing route accessibility was calculated. Then, the accessibility of the proposed route was calculated. Both cases are compared.
From the beginning of the 20th century, developments in science and technology and the increase in population have brought rapid and uncontrolled urbanization. An automobile and city relation comes at the beginning of transportation problems. Parking problems are the least considered transportation problems.
In this study, it is aimed to shed light on the car park choice behavior in Izmir. Selected multi story and on-street car parks in Izmir Alsancak region have been examined. The factors affecting the preferences of those who use these car parks have been examined. Data was collected with the help of surveys given in the scope of the study. The drivers were asked about their socio-economic characteristics, travel information and car parks. The obtained data were modeled by the logit model.
At the end of the study, variables affecting parking choice were determined. These variables were gender, purpose of the trip, travel time and walking distance to final destination. The effects of the variables in the study were tried to be explained. According to the obtained results from the surveys and logit models, solution proposals are given related to parking problems in the observed areas.